Nic Cage is back at the whole "steal shit from the government" game. Now, I am one of those who really fucking loved the first National Treasure, not because it had good preformances (actually, now that I think on it, it didn't have any "good" preformances, unless you count Sean Bean hamming it up as the villian, and even thats pushing it.), but because it was fun, and you could tell everyone involved had a real good time, and that lead to a good time for me.
Now Apple releases the brand spankin' new trailer for the sequel National Treasure: Book of Secrets...and to be honest....I am underwhelmed like woah. This looks kinda terrible, and I feel bad, cause I was kinda looking forward to this, and the teaser made me groan too, so this movie just gets more and more...well, dreaded.
I will, most likely, see this, but at this point, I don't think I will walk out as enthusiastic as I did with the first one. At least the sidekick is still wisecrackingly funny...that was my favorite part of the first one. *le Sigh*
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