Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bummer. "Talisman" Gets Bitch-Slapped

Reporting: Donald Hallene III

Ouch, It seems that the Steven Spielberg produced film based on the Stephen King story is kinda getting the shaft...because they wrote a lofty epic script...for TNT.

Congrats, guys...TNT. They had that Librarian miniseries a few years back, and that had a small budget...I guess good ol' King deserves more than just a simple TV movie. I still wish they would just go theatrical with this film like the were planning on doing back in the day, but what do i know, I just write a slightly sarcastic movie blog...and host a more than slightly sarcastic movie podcast...

Anyway, as i am kinda a nerd for Mr. Spielberg AND Mr. King, you guys will see more updates on this in the future.

Get it together guys, for me...

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